A Geography of Agrotoxins use in Brazil and its Relations to the European Union
Human Geography, Agrarian Geography, Agriculture, AgrotoxinSinopse
"Larissa’s work is, therefore, not merely a Brazilian concern. Just as Brazil’s history and transatlantic trade cannot be disassociated from early European industrialisation and early days of empire, its massive role in international food and agroenergy trade mean that the moral, ethical and political questions raised by her research are a global concern. The seepage from laboratory to crop, field to factory and back on to the plates of our families makes the evidence more difficult to ignore. The extent that decision makers may attempt to do so remains to be seen, but the Atlas of Agrotoxins means that the excuse that ‘we did not know’ collapses under the weight of this book." - Brian Garvey - Department of Work, Employment & Organisation University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


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