"Homeopathy is not placebo effect": proof of scientific evidence for homeopathy
Homeopatia: Ciências médicasSinopse
Homeopathy is a medical practice recognized worldwide for more than two centuries that employs a clinical approach based on heterodox and complementary scientific principles (principle of therapeutic similarity, homeopathic pathogenetic experimentation, use of individualized medicines and dynamized or potentiated doses), with the aim of awaken a healing response in the body. Based on premises different from those used by conventional medical practice, homeopathy is often the target of criticism. With the aim of clarifying doctors, researchers, health professionals and the general public, demystifying any dogmatic positions, this work aims to update and clarify knowledge in the area. In addition to elucidating in detail the epistemological premises of the homeopathic model, the work describes the various aspects of basic and clinical research, which endorse homeopathic practice and treatment in a continuum of information, data and bibliographic references. The work discusses several topics related to research in homeopathy, ranging from “homeopathic clinical epidemiology” to “pseudosceptic and pseudoscientific strategies used in attacks on homeopathy”, including “pharmacological bases of the principle of similarity”, “experimental studies in biological models”, “ randomized controlled clinical trials”, “systematic reviews, meta-analyses and global reports” and “observational studies”, among others. Acting as an integrative and complementary therapy to other specialties, homeopathy can add efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency and safety to medical practice, acting in a curative and preventive manner, reducing symptomatic manifestations and the predisposition to illness, with low cost and minimal adverse events.


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